
Bruxism And Teeth Grinding- How A Mouth Guard Can Help

Calgary, AB
By TruSmile Dental

Do you ever wake up with a headache, sore jaw, or sensitive teeth? If so, it’s possible that you’re grinding your teeth and clenching your jaw while you sleep – a condition known as bruxism. While this may seem like an innocent habit, over time it can cause serious damage to your teeth and overall dental health. Luckily, there is a simple solution: wearing a mouthguard. Not only can wearing a mouth guard alleviate the symptoms of bruxism, but it can also protect your pearly whites from further harm. In this blog post, we’ll explore how using a mouth guard could be just what you need for relief from bruxism and better oral health!

What Is Bruxism?

Bruxism is a teeth-grinding habit that can lead to tooth decay and other dental problems. Mouth guards can help alleviate bruxism, as they provide a physical barrier between the teeth and the jawbone. They also help to prevent teeth from grinding against one another, which can cause damage.

Causes Of Bruxism

Bruxism is a common dental disorder that is characterized by the repetitive and forceful grinding of teeth against one another. The most common cause of bruxism is stress, and people who grind their teeth are more likely to experience stress-related dental problems, such as tooth decay.

If you’re experiencing any symptoms related to bruxism, be sure to see your dentist for an evaluation. Your dentist may recommend wearing a mouth guard or other measures to help relieve the symptoms of bruxism.

How Can A Mouth Guard Alleviate Bruxism And Teeth Grinding?

There are many different types of mouthguards on the market today that can help alleviate bruxism and teeth grinding. Some are made from materials like silicone or plastic, while others are made from natural materials like rubber or clay.

There are several ways to alleviate bruxism.

  1. One way is to wear a mouthguard. mouth guards can help protect teeth from damage and can reduce the amount of stress your jaw experiences during activities that cause bruxism, like sleeping or eating.
  2. Additionally, many mouthguards come with a built-in timer that limits how long you can grind your teeth each day. This allows you to gradually reduce the number of times you grind your teeth over time without feeling overwhelmed or uncomfortable.
  3. Most mouthguards come in different sizes to accommodate a variety of people. They should be snug but not too tight, and they should fit well over the teeth and gums.
  4. Some people find that wearing a mouth guard throughout the day helps relieve stress and stops them from grinding their teeth at night. Wearing a mouth guard can also make it easier to eat and drink since it can prevent tooth contact with food or liquid.

Types Of Mouthguards

Mouthguards come in a variety of types, shapes, and sizes to fit various needs and preferences. They can be made from a variety of materials, including hard plastic, silicone, and custom-fit mouthguards. Some mouthguards are designed to be worn continuously, while others are only worn for specific sporting events or activities.

Mouth guards can help alleviate bruxism and teeth grinding. Bruxism is the repetitive movement of the jaw muscles that causes tooth wear and pain. Teeth grinding is when teeth roughly grind against each other – often during sleep – which can damage them over time. A properly fitted mouthguard can help to reduce the severity and frequency of these symptoms.

The Bottom Line

If you are experiencing bruxism or teeth grinding, a mouth guard can be a great way to help alleviate the problem. A mouth guard is typically made of hard plastic or silicone and is worn in the front of the mouth. It helps to protect the teeth from being hit against each other and also provides a cushion for the jawbone. This can help to reduce the amount of wear and tear on your teeth and jawbone and may help to alleviate any pain that you are experiencing.

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